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Exchange Metal (MTL)

If you're looking to swap Metal, SwapSpace is your one-stop shop. We have some light reading for you — in case you'd like a refresher on what is Metal, or some fresh information about MTL’s price movements. And, of course, we provide you with multiple Metal exchange options so that you can choose the offer with the best rates and lowest Metal fees, as well as other parameters that suit you.


Metal Price Stats

To help you make a decision about exchanging your Metal, we gathered some cold hard numbers: Metal price chart and other stats, such as Metal market cap.


MTL 24H HIGH $1.97146635


MTL MARKET CAP $126,321,891.915




MTL 24H LOW $1.89384937


MTL PRICE $1.89704162


MTL 24H VOLUME $3,177,315.001

SwapSpace Reviews

Metal Price Chart

Here you can see the current price of Metal, as well as Metal price history.

What is Metal?

Metal coin is the native cryptocurrency of Metal ecosystem, specializing in decentralized banking and payments akin to Paypal and Venmo with fiat money. It aims to become a comprehensive means of payment, as opposed to traditional money. MTL is used within the platform for instant and feeless transactions. The system encourages loyal holders and users can get MTL coins for just using the platform like converting fiat to Metal. MTL, being an ERC20 token, is supported by countless exchanges and wallets. It also uses the innovative Proof of Processed Payments consensus mechanism to distribute the tokens, developed specifically for MTL. Both the receiver and the sender get 5% of MTL back after any transaction. The platform also has a fraud prevention feature which eliminates any suspicious activity. The MTL crypto has gained lots of attention and popularity since its inception. Metal is a revolutionary project that definitely deserves its position within the top-400 list of all cryptocurrencies. The developing team also consists of well-versed professionals previously working in companies like American Express, Apple, and Visa. There are ambitious goals set for the coin, the main one being to integrate Metal crypto in existing offline banking systems all over the world. The platform is easy to use since no extensive knowledge is required to operate the platform.

A Simple Way To Exchange Metal Here At SwapSpace

Step 1
Step 1

Choose a pair

Choose the cryptocurrencies you would like to exchange among more than 1800 coins and tokens. Pick them from drop-down menus. Type the number of coins you want to swap.

Step 2
Step 2

Select the best rate

You choose the rate – we do the magic! Pick up the exchange service by the rate which meets your requirements. Make sure you are okay with the selected service network fee and privacy policy: some of them require you to pass the AML/KYC procedure.

Step 3
Step 3

Transfer funds

Send the exact amount to the address provided and receive the crypto in your wallet within minutes. Don’t have a wallet yet? Our support will recommend a good one!

Step 4
Step 4

Receive your coins

You’ll get your coins in a few minutes! The exact time is a subject of various parameters such as blockchain network workload, transaction volume, our partners’ processing speed, etc. Concerned about your transaction? Check the swap tracker or feel free to contact the support: support@swapspace.co.

Exchanging Metal: SwapSpace’s Video Tutorial

Featured Price Predictions

Frequently Asked Questions

How to buy Metal?

Will Metal go up?

Is Metal a good investment?

Popular Exchange Pairs with Metal

Those cryptocurrencies are most frequently traded with Metal at SwapSpace. Join our other customers in the “Exchange Pairs” section!
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